Dr. Javier Montaña Figuls (web)


Revistas científicas

Practical utility of on-line clearance and blood temperature monitors as noninvasive techniques to measure hemodialysis blood access flow. (ver web)

(coautor junto a Fontseré N, Blasco M, Maduell F, Vera M, Arias-Guillen M, Herranz S, Blanco T, Barrufet M, Burrel M, Real MI, Mestres G, Riambau V, Campistol JM). Blood Purif. 2011;31(1-3):1-8. Epub 2010 Dec 7.

Endovascular treatment of penetrating aortic ulcers: mid-term follow-up. (ver web)

Endovascular treatment of penetrating aortic ulcers: mid-term follow-up.

Blood Purif. (ver web)

(coautores junto Fontseré N, Blasco M, Maduell F, Vera M, Arias-Guillen M, Herranz S, Blanco T, Barrufet M, Burrel M,, Real MI, Mestres G, Campistol JM). 2011;31(1-3):1-8. Epub 2010 Dec 7. PMID:21135543.